The Medieval Marketplace
5è3 IDD
from Asia
Spices were imported from Asia especially from India. Many
different kinds of spices were coming in from the east such as pepper,
cinnamon, curry, raisins, razhem, chilies and many others. Some of the
spices were very expensive and were valuable.The Indians would trade
them for gold. The people of the west loved spices.It gave a lot of taste
to their food and also helped them preserve the meat.
Silk was mainly imported from China. It was an expensive good and
was used to make many of the fine clothes of rich European people. The
silk was also imported to India where fine carpets were made and then
brought to the west.
The Silk Road
The Silk Road is a route that connected China to the west. This
road was the easiest way to trade goods. Asia usually exported fur, silk,
silver, precious stones, glass, wool, jewels, spices, carpets and many
other things. This road was also a way to exchange knowledge and religion.
The main way of transport on this difficult and dangerous route were caravans.They
would travel all along the road packed with goods. This road also contributed
to an enormous part of Asian culture. This also helped develop Asia and
made it become less poor than it was.
Book: Vie et Moeurs au Moyen Age
Authors: Jay Williams et D. Auriange.
Book: Les Civilisations de l’Asie
Authors: Veronique Ageorges et Jean-michel Coblence
Website: http://fr.encyclopedia.yahoo.com/articles
Meet the IDD team
* What was the most interesting part of the project?
We had great
fun!!! We all thought it was an exelant idea to do the IDD project. Wee
also had exelant teachers that made everything simpler. Are favourite thing
was of course the setting and making of the models. The results of the project
were very good and we all felt very satisfied.
What was the most difficult part of the project?
It was a good project but very difficult to realise. The worst was to find
information and organise each other in the groupe.